
Monday, November 19, 2012

Here's To The Things I Hate The Most

Today has just been one of those days where nothing is going right and I'm just really frustrated. Here's a summary...

  1. Spending a weekend in Barcelona with someone I'm not very fond of. Now wish I would have just waited and gone in the spring with Yvette. Feel like there's a bunch I missed out on because I honestly couldn't stand to be around said person any longer.
  2. Having my homework all messed up because in Spain the luxury of printing in your own home doesn't exist. Sent an online news article to the reprografía, yeah apparently you can't do that so I didn't have my homework done for class today because I couldn't print out the stupid thing.
  3. People that know you speak English before you even open your mouth. Then proceed to talk to me in their horrible english that I can't understand a word of, and eventually ask them to talk in Spanish because I can understand them better, yet they still don't listen.
  4. Understanding gramatical concepts perfectly on paper, yet not having the ability to use them in speech.
  5. Forgetting simple words that you really need to know right at the moment you need them.
  6. Clingy people.
  7. Bitchy people.
  8. Cliques.
  9. Not having class with Spaniards.
  10. Feeling like I'm not learning the stuff I want to know to help me in life.
  11. Missing my family.
  12. Being in a grumpy mood.
Sigh. Tomorrow will be better. Tomorrow will be better.

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