My life this semester has become absolutely insane. I think (legitimately) that I spend almost every waking hour I have working on homework or reading one of the six books I'm currently assigned. While yes I have figured out the whole studying thing it's so different doing it here just because I feel like what I'm doing isn't hard, it's just time consuming.
My assigned books this semester have drastically increased in length, which I don't mind, however I really do not enjoy reading six at the same time. Trying to keep straight the authors and what's going on in each book and not mixing them up is proving very difficult. I feel better about myself though this semester because whereas last semester most of my books said "for ages 8 and up" this semester I have actually had adults tell me "Oh that is a great book" or "That's one of my favorite authors".
And I'm slowly gaining the ability to write papers more like I do at home - it's hard getting my brain to realize that I can actually write a 5 page paper with no problem as long as I use the kind of vocabulary and writing style I would use if I were writing in English. Thank you Stylistics and Advanced Grammar class. Now I just need to start that research paper on the "History of the English Language in the United States" - where in the world am I gonna find that in the next 3 days...
My internship is going great. I absolutely love the kids and I really feel like I'm learning a lot with them. My only complaint is that during my 2 hour lunch break I usually go to McDonalds and read because it's the only place with wifi around the school, and I'm now getting sick of McDonalds.
Other than that life is good, I spend the rest of my time worrying about Keith and mi familia making sure they're all doing good.
And I can officially say I am thinking in two languages al mismo tiempo because when I start pensando I don't recuerdo what language mis pensamientos were in and then when I least expect it the palabras come out en espaƱol y no en English and es very confusing.
Me gusta mucho your ending comments about thinking in dos lenguas. Isn't "spanglish" great?!